The Four Parts of Us: Understanding the Biblical Approach to Health and Healing

Dec 04, 2023

New here? Welcome! I'm Martha, and I'm here to help you on your weight loss journey through blogging, podcasts, and online teaching courses.


Do you need some help on your journey of faith and belief? These sermons can help!

  1. Making Faith Work
  2. Hope Again In Your Future
  3. Value Driven Life
  4. Victory Over Your Past
  5. God is Healer



So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. John 8:36 (NIV)

In episode 11 of the podcast, I delve into the four parts of our being as outlined in Mark 12:29-31, I look at the insights into how these four parts—heart, soul, mind, and strength—play a crucial role in our health and weight loss journey.  

To be truly free we have to be free in all 4 of these areas, not just one.  

When I asked God to heal me of eczema, which I had had for 40 years,  He did more than I could ask or imagine, He healed every part of my being. He grew my intellect, taught me about my body and how it can heal itself but I had to learn what I put in it is important. 

As my body healed, it let go of toxic emotions and I was able to see areas I needed to work on and forgive. I learned not to hold onto offenses, let go of stress, and trust Him. I was able to drop weight in a season when most women put on weight because my whole person was being healed. God wanted to set me free in every area, and now I want to help other women find freedom in their health. 


Even in today’s world, we see some experts advocate for an integrated approach that considers the interconnectedness of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical well-being. Holistic health approaches, including integrative medicine, aim to address the whole person rather than treating isolated symptoms. 


The Apostle Paul is a great example of someone who was touched by God in all 4 areas of  his life:  

  1. Spiritual Freedom

Saul was initially a zealous persecutor of early Christians. He was present at the stoning of Stephen, one of the first Christian martyrs. However, on his way to Damascus to continue persecuting Christians, Saul had a dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ. This encounter led to his spiritual transformation, and he became a follower of Christ.

  1. Emotional Freedom

Before his conversion, Saul was driven by anger and hostility towards Christians. His encounter with Jesus not only changed his spiritual beliefs but also transformed his emotions. The hatred and anger that fueled his persecution of Christians were replaced with love, compassion, and a deep sense of purpose.

  1. Intellectual Freedom

Saul, who was well-educated and a Pharisee, experienced a radical shift in his intellectual understanding. His encounter with Jesus challenged his previous beliefs about the law and righteousness. As the Apostle Paul, he underwent a profound intellectual transformation, reinterpreting his understanding of the Scriptures in light of the revelation of Jesus Christ.

  1. Physical Freedom

Paul also faced physical challenges in his life. He endured persecution, imprisonment, beatings, and hardships for the sake of spreading the Christian message. Despite these physical trials, he found a sense of freedom in his purpose and mission. His physical circumstances did not dictate his inner sense of liberty.

After his conversion, Paul dedicated his life to spreading the message of Jesus Christ and establishing Christian communities. He faced numerous challenges, including imprisonment, but he continued to express a deep sense of inner freedom and contentment. 

His writings in the New Testament reflect his spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical freedom in Christ, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

I want to invite you to listen to the podcast The 4 Parts of Us and join me on this transformative journey towards better health and well-being.

Mark 12:29-31 Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. 30 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.



God, I am so thankful for Your love in my life.  You are my source of hope, and I declare that my heart belongs to You completely.

Lord Jesus, thank You for simplifying the essence of my faith – to just love You wholeheartedly. Today, I choose to center my affections on You, and I thank  You that Your love permeates every aspect of my life. May my life radiate Your love and joy.

Help me, Lord, to love myself so that I can love others effectively.  Continue to fill me with the revelation that I was created on purpose and for a purpose.  Show me what lies I am believing about myself that don’t line up with what you say about me.  

Help me to see the people around me with Your eyes. Teach me how to love my neighbors genuinely, not just with words but with actions that make a difference. In my family, workplace, and community, may my love be a tangible expression of Your love.

Forgive me, Father, for the times I’ve fallen short in loving others.  Fill me with Your love, that I may forgive as I’ve been forgiven and love as I’ve been loved.

Holy Spirit, empower me to live out these commandments. 

 In Jesus name,. Amen.




Here are some thought-provoking journal prompts for you to use when you are listening to the podcast:

1. How does Martha Fry explain the four parts of our being according to the Bible, and how do they play a role in our health and weight loss journey?

2. In what ways do our emotions, will, and intellect impact our ability to make healthy choices and live a surrendered life to God?

3. Martha mentions the importance of loving ourselves in order to truly love others. How does this concept align with the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself?

4. What does it mean to love the Lord with all of our strength, and how can we apply this to our physical health and well-being?

5. Can you relate to the struggle of relying heavily on your own intellect and trying to solve health or weight-related issues without fully surrendering to God in those areas?

6. Martha emphasizes the interconnectedness of our physical health and spiritual well-being. How do you see these connections playing out in your own life?

7. How can undelt with emotions and toxic thought patterns affect our health and contribute to challenges in our weight loss journey?

8. What are your thoughts on the idea of bringing God into every aspect of your health journey, and how might this shift in perspective impact your approach to wellness?

9. Do you believe it's possible to experience holistic healing in all four parts of our being, and if so, how can we align our efforts with God's plan for our health and well-being?

10. Have you experienced moments where surrendering to God in your health and weight loss journey led to greater freedom and positive changes in your life?



P.S. Be sure to join my free Facebook community: Empowering Christian Women with a Holistic Mind-Body Transformation




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